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Welcome to Tony LeVoi

At Tony LeVoi we take care of car owners and their cars in Grays and everywhere in between the Essex area. We believe in making car ownership a simple, convenient and happy experience. We specialise in New and Used Cars and Commercials for sale that are brand new, used and faultlessly nearly new. We think it is important that your car reflects your personality as well as being perfectly suited to your lifestyle.

All our cars are independently inspected and certified, which means we can deliver tested and approved cars on the same day. We have a vast selection of cars and commercial vehicles to suit every need and budget. We also have an extensive amount of knowledge and experience on a variety of our new and used cars and commercials. We believe that choosing your ideal car should be an easy and enjoyable process, so our sales team give you space to explore the range, but will always be available to offer advice and assistance should you need it. Our aim is to provide an elevated level of customer care and service.